We are a child-centered, play-based cooperative preschool located in the San Francisco Mission District. We offer a Spanish bilingual program and our students range in age from two years to those entering kindergarten. Our affordable childcare program is designed to nurture children’s social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth by creating an inclusive environment where children can explore while feeling respected and secure.
Somos un preescolar cooperativo de base de juegos centrado en los niños ubicado en el Distrito de la Misión de San Francisco. Ofrecemos un programa bilingüe en español y nuestros estudiantes van desde los dos años hasta los que ingresan al jardín de infantes. Nuestro programa de cuidado infantil asequible está diseñado para nutrir el crecimiento social, emocional, físico e intelectual de los niños mediante la creación de un ambiente inclusivo donde los niños puedan explorar mientras se sienten respetados y seguros.

Our Philosophy
Our diverse, play-based environment combined with an active-interest from parents and guardians nurtures social, emotional, physical, & intellectual growth. Everything, from our curriculum to our field trips, encourages students to choose participation as a way of life.

Meet Our Team
The educators and administrative staff are highly professional, yet personable — with a vested interest in the success of each individual student and family. Our team is united by the desire to provide the highest quality early learning experience for our students.

The Program
We believe all students are multifaceted and because of this, children should have a choice in their activities. Our flexible schedule and new facilities allow children a wide variety of experiences—group and individual play, indoor and outdoor space, imaginative play, art, music, and more.